
Pumpkin Drinker

I couldn't go any longer without sharing this

As your BFF guy, I have great interest and like to share things about books, food and finance even though I have chosen the moniker of Money Mensch.

If everything that I write must pertain to this means of exchange, then I would estimate that my family has spent at least five hundred bucks in the past nine weeks on pumpkin-flavored items.

We consume pumpkin flavored coffee every single morning for three months.
Here I share that I have not gone a single day since this past September first without consuming pumpkin coffee at some point of the morning. Whether it's Dunkin' Donuts brand that my wife brews at home every single morning, a pumpkin spice latte that I dispense on my own at 7-Eleven on the way to work, an iced pumpkin coffee that I purchased through the drive-through at Dunkin' Donuts on my way to work, or a Starbucks brand bottled iced coffee or some combination of the above, I have gone roughly the past seventy days consuming pumpkin coffee every single morning.

Mind you, it is not only pumpkin flavored coffee that my family has been consuming. Just about every single item that we have consumed including pasta, almond milk, cereal or Pop Tarts, bagels, cereal bars, soup, yogurt, Cheerios, pumpkin flavored Kit Kats to hand out on Halloween (and had dozens of extras left that I have been eating), bread, muffins, cookies and other items have had our family not go a single day since September first without consuming some pumpkin flavored food item after consuming pumpkin flavored coffee with pumpkin flavored cream in the morning.

Pumpkin flavored items in our house today.
Oh, and I should not forget my favorite pumpkin item: pie.  We ate it Friday night, hence no photo.

I'm not complaining. 

Like my wife, having pumpkin flavored items throughout the fall is one of the things that I have come to appreciate about the season. During those months in between our summer and the holiday season, the four of us mostly work and go to school every day, not really traveling too much besides attending the many dance competitions, football games, and concerts that our children participate in and that we go to as concert-goer fans throughout September, October and into November until Thanksgiving.

This being the 11th of November, I figure to enjoy pumpkin flavored coffee and other items for nineteen more days through the end of this month.

We had pumpkin ravioli with pumpkin sauce for lunch.
Once the peppermint mocha flavored stuff comes out at our three primary coffee sources, ground coffee that we make every day from Dunkin' Donuts, the ice coffee bottles from Starbucks and the  flavored mocha from the dispenser at 7-Eleven, that should help get us through the new year or at least until we head out to the desert on Christmas Eve.

Until then, keep those pumpkins coming. I will eat and drink them in any form that you give me. short of serving me raw raw pumpkin to gnaw on.

Now I have to go wash my hands and then do some dishes now that the Bears game is over.

Yes, we even have pumpkin spice dish soap and hand sanitizer.
